Sour Dani Development Blog

OpenIndiana on Chromebox: Tomorrow's Solaris on yesterday's machines

OpenIndiana installed on a jailbroken Chromebox

Solaris is an OS we’re all somewhat familiar with but consider it some kind of mythical creature. It wasn’t something I grew up with and I haven’t heard of many folks using it in a professional setting but the fact that Oracle still supports it shows that somewhere, somehow, some poor sap in IT has to maintain a geriatric mission critical system.

What if I told you that there was… another way… some kind of way to… free… your mind…

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How we turned his old Mac into something useful: An excuse to hangout with my uncle - Part One

My uncle has graciously donated me Mac Computers in the past since he had no more use for them and through my work at Pre-Fortress 2 we needed Mac compilers. I wanted to return the favor by making him his own NAS! He has used Drive bays before but never had something quite like this. I told him about my Pi OMV NAS using an RPi 2B with a 4TB hard drive living inside of a dollar store jewelry case and he wanted one for himself! I refused to make something as basic and DIY.

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The Quest for ClassiCube: Mac OS X 10.4 installer booting from FireWire Drive

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger install from FireWire Drive

6 days ago Action Retro posted an IP to his ClassiCube server on twitter. In the tweet he stated “Connecting from old Macs in encouraged, but not required :)” and I took that personally. I have a 2001 slot loader iMac that I bought for a decent price on Mercari and I pretty much specifically bought it to play Bugdom natively.

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